Person Category: Career Technical Education

September 9, 2021
Doug Sallade
"Welcome to Air Conditioning and Refrigeration! You will find this career to be both rewarding and challenging. I have been in this industry since I was a child, my dad was an HVAC contractor, therefore, I was in the AC/R industry. I went through the Cypress College AC/R program myself, then"

Richard Hock, B.S., M.B.A.
"Richard Hock joined the Cypress College staff as a full-time instructor in 2004. Prior to that, Mr. Hock taught the night division program Basic Commercial Refrigeration and Refrigeration Electrical Controls at Cypress College since 1996. With a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from SUNY Fredonia in New York, he came to"

Luciano Orozco, B.A.
"Greetings all, My name is Luciano M. Orozco. Currently, I am the Advanced Transportation Technology Center Director at Cypress College. My day-to-day activities include curriculum development, technical assistance to business and industry, and delivering training in Advanced Transportation Technology and Renewable Energy. I enjoy the relationships I build and working with"

Dan Snook, A.A.
"Mr. Snook has been involved in the automotive industry for over 18 years, including eight years experience in the private sector as a collision repair specialist and trainer. Custom car builder featured cars in Popular Hot Rod, Mopar Muscle, Bracket Racing ET as well as Demolition derby cars. He joined the"

July 29, 2021
Captain Edilberto Valdez
"Hi and welcome to my faculty home page. In 2004, I began teaching at Cypress College as an adjunct professor in the Aviation & Travel Careers department. Now, after working in the aviation/airline industry for more than 34 years, I am here full time to assist you in achieving your goals"