Baccalaureate Program Approved by Accrediting Agency

"Cypress College is one giant step closer to offering a baccalaureate degree. Selected in January as one of 15 campuses to pilot test the California Community College Baccalaureate Degree Program, a significant hurdle was cleared late last week when Cypress College’s proposal was approved by the accrediting agency. The action officially"
Bacarella, Lawrence Set for Board Recognition for Attaining Tenure Career Education

Bacarella, Lawrence Set for Board Recognition for Attaining Tenure

"  Two Cypress College faculty — Russ Bacarella, of Automotive Technology, and Roberta Lawrence, from the Dental Hygiene Program — will be recognized by the NOCCCD Board of Trustees on Tuesday night for their milestone of attaining tenure. The Board meets at 5:30 p.m. on April 28 at the Anaheim Campus."
