Build Your Future in Administration of Justice

The Homeland Transportation Security Certificate and the Administration of Justice Associate in Science for Transfer Degree prepare students to enter careers in criminal justice, corrections, forensic science, critical incident response, emergency management, security and loss prevention, law enforcement, human relations, procedural reporting, and homeland security. Learning methodologies are industry and community based with an emphasis in hands-on, real-life approaches that create an awareness of social and community issues in an effort to improve quality of life.

At Cypress College, you will find that all of our skilled instructors currently work, or have worked extensively, in various aspects of law enforcement. Our instructors provide students with networking opportunities and offer valuable insight and practical advice. This helps students gain a critical edge in the profession and avoid common mistakes made while applying  for these exciting and competitive careers.

The Administration of Justice Associate in Science for Transfer degree and the Homeland Transportation Security certificate and degree programs prepare students to enter careers in criminal justice, corrections, forensic science, critical incident response, emergency management, security and  loss prevention, law enforcement, human relations, procedural reporting, and homeland transportation security.

Learning methodologies are profession and community-based with an emphasis in hands-on, real-life approaches that create an awareness of social and community issues to improve quality of life. Students  completing programs will be prepared to transfer and major in criminal  justice and similar majors.

What Does It Take to Get Hired?

Qualifications for most Administration of Justice careers:
• Two years of college (degree preferred)
• Specific training for police careers
• Drug and alcohol screening
• Excellent physical condition
• Strong communication/computer skills

What Do Our Alumni Say?

“After showing the company my career portfolio, I was offered a position to work in maritime security in San Pedro. I am continuing to work toward my degree. Thank you so much for all of your help!”

– Nick, Homeland Transportation Security

Select a program link below to learn more about the career options, minimum qualifications, and job requirements. Join our Administration of Justice department and build a career out of serving the public!

Administration of Justice News