Tag: SEM
Career Education
July 16, 2020
Retired Professor, Coach Tom Lubin Remembered
"Cypress College is remembering retired professor and coach Tom Lubin. One of the college’s pioneering faculty, Lubin was a chemistry professor who is fondly recalled for his memorable lessons — including jumping off a building — and for his devotion to students, including standouts Swen Nater and Mark Eaton. The Lubin Family has"
Career Education
May 1, 2018
Two Cypress Faculty Members Honored at UCI Educator Recognition Dinner
"Cypress College faculty members Ann Sheridan-Solis and Adel Rajab are being honored at the University of California, Irvine’s 13th Annual Educator Recognition Dinner and Awards Ceremony on May 22. Solis, Rajab, and other honorees were chosen by UCI’s most academically successful transfer students who identified the faculty member or counselor from"
Career Education
September 27, 2016
Welcome to New Full-Time Faculty and Staff
"As Cypress College celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, we are not only celebrating the past, but looking ahead to our next chapter. We are pleased to have 28 new full-time faculty begin their employment at Cypress College this fall — our largest group of new tenure-track instructors, counselors, and librarians. "
Career Education
April 11, 2016
Board to Grant Tenure to Four Faculty
"Four Cypress College faculty are poised to earn tenure on Tuesday night when the Board of Trustees of the North Orange County Community College District recognizes them for attaining this professional milestone. Two math faculty, Adam Eckenrode and Nicole Ledesma, will be recognized along with accounting faculty Ann Sheridan Solis, and"