Category: News

November 12, 2019
Hospitality & Culinary Students Tour Marriott
"In late October, Hotel, Restaurant, and Culinary Arts students toured Marriott Anaheim to hear from professionals in their field and see where a degree or certificate from the HRC program could take them. The field trip included students from the Hospitality Law class and the Hospitality Leadership class. Marriott gave an"

October 7, 2019
Cypress College Career Technical Education Counselor Named Counselor of the Year
"The Orange County Career Education Community College Network recently named Cypress College Career Technical Education Counselor Dr. Jane Jepson as a 2019 Counselor of the Year. The award, given each year to counselors who excel in a number of areas pertaining to student and career success, will be presented at the"

AC&R Program Passes Accreditation
"Cypress College’s Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Program passed a reaccreditation visit on Oct. 3, ensuring its accreditation for six more years. Members of validation group HVAC Excellence, which sets educational program standards and verifies their fulfillment, met with Cypress faculty Doug Sallade, Carlos Urquidi, and Richard Hock to tour the Air"

September 24, 2019
Associate Degree Nursing ACEN Accreditation Site Visit Oct. 9, 2019
"Public Notice of Upcoming Accreditation Review Visit by the ACEN The Cypress College Registered Nursing Program is hosting a site review for continuing accreditation of its Associate Degree program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). You are invited to meet the site visit team and share your comments"

May 9, 2019
Fullerton 99s Visit Cypress College
"The Aviation & Travel Careers Department hosted the monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 for the Fullerton Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, an organization of licensed women pilots from around the world. Students with an interest in aviation were invited to participate in the monthly meeting and enjoy pizza and drinks."

April 26, 2019
ATC Students Attend Women in Aviation Conference
"Twenty students from the Aviation & Travel Careers Department volunteered and attended the 30th Annual International Women in Aviation Conference. The conference this year was held at the Long Beach Convention Center March 14–16, 2019. Students who attended had the opportunity to interview with employers and see what future job opportunities"

Aviation Students Attend LAX AirEx Training
"On April 10, 2019, 25 students from the Aviation & Travel Careers Department participated in the Los Angeles International Airport AirEx full-scale exercise plan. The exercise is held every three years to test the airport’s ability to respond to an accident at the Flight Path Museum, next to the airport on"

+C Team Wins $2,000 Ideathon Prize, Trip to MIT
"Cypress College teamed with ModoLabs to host the inaugural Ideathon™ on Saturday, April 13. Eleven teams qualified for the weekend’s competition, and vied for the grand prize of $2,000 and a trip to the 6th Annual Kurogo Mobile Conference at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, where they will have"

March 26, 2019
Dual Enrollment Students, Instructor, Place First at Auto Tech Competition
"Five Cypress College Dual Enrollment students took top prize at a county-wide automotive technology competition last Saturday, March 23, and earned their instructor an award, too. The Orange County Automobile Dealers Association 26th Annual Technology Competition pitted 14 teams of high school students against each other in several categories at Hyundai"

January 30, 2019
A&E’s ‘Storage Wars’ to Feature Mortuary Science on New Episode Tonight
"UPDATE: Buyers Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante brought three items for McCament’s expert evaluation. He identified them as a ’20s/’30s-era dressing table, cosmetics airbrush system, and incomplete embalming machine set used to remove fluids from and inject preservative fluids into bodies. The scene was shot primarily in the Mortuary Science Department’s embalming room"