Aviation & Travel Careers Scholarships

Please let us know when you get a Scholarship!

   Scholarship Tips From the Cypress College Website: Beware of Scams

Note: If a deadline has passed, make a note to apply the following year as many of these are offered every year.


SCAA Scholarship (SOCAL Aviation Association)($4000):

Must live in Southern California.  Apply at www.socalaviation.org/scholarships_awards

Note:  couple of nice scholarship opportunities are mentioned in this link to the Southern California Aviation Association.

Click on the link, scroll down, find the scholarship information, and apply.  (Cypress students have received scholarships through this very active organization in the past).

WCA Scholarships

Women in Corporate Aviation scholarships –– over $100,000 in scholarships,  Full details on the scholarships and application forms can be found at www.wca-intl.org/scholarships. Scholarships are open to men and women in corporate aviation. Typical scholarships being offered:


Women in Aviation Scholarships: http://www.wai.orglivepage.apple.com

AOPA Scholarships

AOPA has launched their annual scholarship program, funded by the AOPA Foundation and its donors. Any student pilot who has not completed their initial Private Pilot rating is qualified to apply.
The recipients of the AOPA scholarships are welcome to use the money at any flight training facility they choose. We hope you will encourage your students to apply, and wish them all good luck!
AOPA Scholarship Website: flighttraining.aopa.org/ftscholarship

Clay Lacy ($5000) and Pete Conrad, Jr ($2000) Scholarships:

Annual scholarship program information and applications for the Clay Lacy Scholarship ($5000) and the Charles “Pete” Conrad, Jr., Scholarship ($2000) available through the Flight Path Learning Center and Museum at LAX.  The deadline for the applications is typically in May.  https://www.claylacy.com/clay-lacy-foundation

Dale Corney Scholarship application: 2013 Dale’s Scholarship Application.pdf

SWAAAE Scholarship: http://www.swaaae.org/scholarships.html.

The Southwest Chapter American Association of Airport Executives (SWAAAE) is pleased to offer scholarships in the categories described below:

Two Academic Scholarships.

Two Professional Accreditation Scholarships

Please let your students and other faculty members know about this great scholarship opportunity for anyone seriously pursuing a degree in airport management.

Additional Resources: Log on to the 99s webpage, ninety-nines.org and under Resource Center scroll down to Section and Chapter Scholarships.  Also, Flight Scholarship.info has a long list of scholarships.  You might also check GAMA’s (General Aviation Manufacturers Association) website and contact local pilot groups (California Pilot Association).

FAA Education Resources 

AeroClub of New England’s Scholarship Program

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)

Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarships & Awards

Astronaut Scholarship Foundation

Aviation Schools Links: Scholarships


Boeing Scholarships

LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Scholarship

University Aviation Association (UAA) Aviation Scholarship Guide

Additional aviation scholarships  

Adventures in Education

Aircraft Electronics Association

Airline Pilots Association

Air Traffic Control Association


Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance

Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association

Aviation Education Resource Directory

Aviation Exploring


Comprehensive list of aviation scholarships

 Comprehensive list of aviation scholarships for students

EAA Young Eagles

Federal Aviation Administration

Girls with Wings Scholarships

Helicopter Association International

International Society of Women Airline Pilots

Landings’ List of Information

National Air Transportation Foundation

National Business Aviation Association

Organization of Black Airline Pilots

Soaring Society of America


Scholarships for students

Scholarships for females only

Scholarships for men and women

The Ninety-Nines

Women in Aviation International

Women in Corporate Aviation

National Business Aviation Association offers scholarships that offer tuition reimbursement for enrolled students:

Alan H. Conklin Business Aviation Management Scholarship – for students at NBAA/University Aviation Association (UAA) member institutions pursuing careers in business aviation management

Lawrence Ginocchio Aviation Scholarship – for students at NBAA/UAA member institutions

NORDAM Dee Howard/Etienne Fage Scholarship – for students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, an NBAA/UAA member institution

UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship – for students at NBAA/UAA member institutions

U.S. Aircraft Insurance Group (USAIG) PDP Scholarship – for students at NBAA/UAA institutions offering NBAA’s Professional Development Program (PDP)

William M. Fanning Maintenance Scholarship – for students in A&P programs at approved FAR Part 147 schools

LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Scholarship
The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. foundation encourages and supports young men and women who wish to pursue aviation careers, as professional pilots. The foundation will award flight instruction scholarships for potential students, in order to obtain private pilot certification. Please do not send letters requesting applications. Application must be filled out online at www.leroywhomerjr.org. If you require more information, please visit the website and go to our FAQ section. If your concern is not addressed in this section, please call our 1-800 number for more information. More

Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarships
The American Helicopter Society’s philanthropic arm, the Vertical Flight Foundation (VFF), was founded in 1967. The Foundation is an independent charitable trust, governed by a Board of Trustees, for the support of education in rotorcraft and vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft engineering. The Foundation’s perations are made possible solely by tax deductible donations. Each year, the VFF awards scholarships to students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing engineering careers in the vertical flight industry. More